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Visitation Philosophy: Providing Patient and Family Centered Care

Visitation Philosophy: Providing Patient and Family Centered Care

Our welcoming environment.

We know that the company of family and friends plays an important role in the recovery of our patients during their stay. In fact, relaxed visitation standards actually help patients by providing them with a support system and creating a more familiar environment. Visitors who know the patient best act as an intermediary for the patient, helping to communicate the patient’s needs to caregivers in both in-and outpatient settings.

Increasingly here at St. Joseph, patients and visitors are reaching out about our visitation guidelines, which they consider to be more restrictive in relation to other local hospitals. They have told us that our practice is not consistent with the philosophy of the Sisters of St. Joseph who welcomed the Dear Neighbor with open arms.

In response, we’ve gathered a multidisciplinary team to review our visitation philosophy, and we’ll be asking for caregiver feedback and participation in this process. We want to ensure we have an environment that is welcoming and focused on patient well-being while respecting our caregivers’ work and safety.

There are also legal requirements for visitation. The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that hospitals must ensure that all visitors enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with patient preferences.

There are occasions when visitation may be limited or restricted; for instance, when it would interfere with the care of the patient and/or the care of other patients.

As we move toward making our hospital a more welcoming environment for our patients and families, we’d like to hear your feedback. Please take a few minutes to complete the anonymous survey here.

Our goal is to expand our visitation guidelines on our main campus by mid-August. Watch Caregiver News or your email for updates.