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Speech Pathology Team Announces a New Service for Patients

  • Date Submitted: Sep 1, 2023
  • Category: St. Joseph Hospital

Our Speech Pathology team is pleased to announce that we will be offering a new service to our patients beginning this August. Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) is an instrumental procedure used to evaluate a patient’s swallowing function at the bedside. FEES is an alternative or supplemental assessment to the more well-known Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS). During a FEES, a trained SLP will pass a flexible laryngoscope through the base of the nose into the hypopharynx to assess aspiration risk while the patient swallows. FEES is considered a gold-standard assessment and will allow more patients access to an instrumental swallow evaluation and help with more accurate and timely treatment planning. Feel free to ask our team questions when you see us rolling by with our new equipment!